Information for the BF5Days 2024:

This is the page containing the main information for the BF5Days. Here we issue information regarding costs, courses, start times, etc. Please read this page carefully and re-visit it from time to time as we occasionally add information or might make changes.

Date: 23 - 27 July 2025

Location: Philippsreut and Grafenau, Bavarian Forest (Bayerischer Wald), Kubova Hut, Czech

Event Type: 5 day event - 1 city sprint, 4 forest days

Maps: 1 - 3000 (city sprint), Equidistance 2.5m; 1 – 10,000 and 1 – 7500, Equidistance 5m

Timing system: Sportident, SI Air is activated

Scoring: Points based scoring system (daily winner = 100 points). For the combined total score, the best 4 of 5 will be added together.

Prizes: Prizes for top 3 in all categories, INCLUDING Open categories and Kids Shadow.

Classes: M10, M12, M14, M16, M18, M20, M21E, M21K (short), M35, M40, M45, M50, M55, M60, M65, M70, M75, M80, W10, W12, W14, W16, W18, W20, W21E, W21K (short), W35, W40, W45, W50, W55, W60, W65, W70, W75, W80, Open Short, Open Middle, Open Middle Easy, Open Long, Kids Shadow,

Free start times for all Open categories: All Open categories as well as the Kids Shadow have no fixed start times, although you need to start 30 minutes before the official "last start."

Kids Shadow: We were asked if we could also allow kids older than 10 to have a shadowed category. As a result we introduced the Kids Shadow category, where any child can run with an adult.
REMEMBER: If you want to shadow your kids this HAS TO BE after your own run. Kids Shadow have open start times.

Open Middle Easy: Some runners asked for an open category that allows longer running times but easier than the Open Middle. Therefore we introduced the Open Middle Easy. Roughly, this will have the difficulty of the M/W14 and the length of the W16.

Open Categories and Courses: For you to be able to better judge the requirements of the Open Categories, here is the alignment with the other categories:

Kids Shadow: similar to M/W10
Open Short: similar to M/W12
Open Middle: similar to W16
Open Middle Easy: Difficulty: M/W14, Length: roughly M16
Open Long: similar to W21E

The open categories are not designed to be easy categories. They correspond in length and difficulty to their assigned classes.

Class reduction: In case there are less than 6 competitors in a class, this class might be combined with the next higher one.

First start:
Day 1: 12.00
Day 2: 10.00
Day 3: 10.00
Day 4: 10.00
Day 5: 10.00 (city sprint)

Indemnity: For all runs on Staatsforsten Property (the landowner of many of the forests) an indemnity has to be agreed to by every competitor. This also applies to children, their guardians are herewith informed of this. Please see further down this page for more details.

Entry fees:
Payment received until

M/F10, M/F12, M/F14, Kids Shadow: 75€ / 5 Days, 15€ / per stage
All others (including Open): 125€ / 5 Days, 25€ / per stage

04.07.2025 (Last entry deadline)
M/F10, M/F12, M/F14, Kids Shadow: 75€ / 5 Days, 15€ / per stage
All others (including Open): 150€ / 5 Days, 30€ / per stage

Payment details:
Account holder: Endspurt Events GmbH
IBAN: DE63 1001 0010 0066 5211 45
Bank: Fyrst

Purpose: BF5days, Names(s) of competitor(s)

Bank fees for international transfers are to be born by the sender.

SI Rental: SI Chips can be rented for 3 € per day, plus a security deposit of 50 €. If you don’t add an SI number to your registration in Orienteering Online we will automatically assign you one of our hire chip numbers. Payment for hire SI chips is than at the event in cash.

Entries: Already possible on Orienteering Online

Entries are only valid once payment has been received, before the deadline for the appropriated fee as stated above.

BE AWARE: Orienteering Online always shows the entry fee at the time of enrolment. However, the entry fees are due according to the date you make the transfer and therefore can be higher than what is displayed on Orienteering Online. To avoid confusion, best make the transfer at the same time you enrol!

Late entries at the competition:
Late entries on the days of the competition cost the then current entry fees but are only possible if there are maps and vacant start slots available. To make sure you get the category you want, best enrol until the 4 July 2025. Changes to the category and changes to the SI number are possible on Orienteering Online until the 4 July 2025free of charge.

After 4 July 2025, changes can only be made in person at the event, subject to availability of maps and vacant start slots. To avoid longer queues at the event, best do this via Orienteering Online until 4 July 2025.

Start times and requests for specific start times: Start times will be assigned to clubs, meaning members of the same clubs have similar start times. For the forest days, each club will be assigned an early, 2 middle and a late starting block. You can establish your own club on Orienteering Online, for example if you want to start as a family. We will of course also accept start time requests, if for example you want to have an early and a late start to look after kids. Please remember that all open categories including the Kids Shadow have open start times, meaning you can start at any time you want to, but last possible start is 30 minutes before the official last start. The deadline for requesting specific start times is the 4 July 2025 (entry deadline). After this, we will print the start numbers which include the start times and therefore start time changes are no longer possible. We will not be able to fulfil all start time wishes (e.g. earliest start times on every day), families will have priority. In 2024 we managed to give all families the start times they wanted!

Maximum Entrants: The total number of entries is capped at a maximum of 1000 participants. Once this number has been reached, no further entries will be accepted. Entries will be accepted on a first come first served basis, by date of payment.

Organizer: Endspurt Events GmbH

Important Notice: All competitors start at their own risk. Orienteering can be an inherently dangerous activity. Organizers, local authorities or property owners cannot be held liable.

By taking part in this event all participants agree to the publication of enrolment details, results and photos taken during the event in the internet, other media and displays at the event.

Travel insurance: In 2023 and 24, we had a few instances of competitors being unable to join the event on short notice, for example because of medical reasons like Corona. To avoid loosing out on entry fees, we STRONGLY recommend a travel insurance which covers this eventuality for our event.

Cancellation condition: We offer a 50% refund (minus banking fees, if applicable) for a cancellation in writing until the 1. May 2025. After that no refund will be given. This is for the instance that a competitor does not take part in the event for whatever reason after payment of the start fees.

If the organizer cancels the event the following conditions apply:

1.) Cancellation on short notice because of weather related reasons or because of requirements by the authorities: If the event or single days of the event have to be cancelled on short notice (14 days or less before the start of the event) because of weather related reasons or instructions by the local authorities (for example because of storm it is too dangerous to enter the forest, the forest cannot be entered because of flooding or results thereof) no refunds will be given.

2.) Cancellation for other reasons: If the event will be cancelled for other than above mentioned reasons, all entries will be automatically rolled over to the following year. If a roll over is rejected by the participant, a refund has to be applied for by e-mail within 30 days of announcement of the cancellation. In this case, the entry fees will be refunded as described above, minus any banking charges.

German and English website:
In case there are any discrepancies between the German and the English version of the website and entry requirements, the German version prevails.

Haftungsausschluss der Bayerischen Staatsforsten

Das Betreten des Waldes erfolgt grundsätzlich auf eigene Gefahr.
Die BaySF weisen auf die Gefahren im Wald hin, insbesondere abseits der Wege, z.B. abgestorbene oder kranke Bäume und Äste, Wurzeln, Felsen, Gewässer, Insekten, giftige Pflanzen.
Eine Verkehrssicherungspflicht der BaySF abseits von Wegen besteht nicht. Jeder Teilnehmer wurde hiermit darauf hingewiesen, dass er für sich selbst verantwortlich ist. Die BaySF übernehmen keinerlei Haftung.
Die BaySF können bei vorliegen wichtiger Gründe dem Teilnehmer einen Platzverweis erteilen.

Vor dem Start muss deshalb jeder Teilnehmer/inn diesen Haftungsausschluss zur Kenntnis nehmen und sein Einverständnis erklären. Er/Sie erklärt sich mit Anmeldung zu den BF5Days mit dem Haftungsausschluss der BaySF einverstanden. Dies gilt auch für Minderjährige Teilnehmer. Die Erziehungsberechtigten sind hiermit darüber unterrichtet. 


Bild: N. Deixler

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